The topic of this page are computer networks, but, what is a network? A computer network is a set of computers connected to each other so they can share
resources and exchange information. They can share printers, files, folders and Internet
Networks are classificated in two different ways:
Depending on their size:
- LAN: a good example of LAN is: A company has two offices with two LANs interconnected by a specific configuration that has been set on the routers of each delegation. This connection is routed through the ADSL connection of each delegation.
- MAN: an example of MAN is: A graphic designer, works from home and sends their designs via FTP to her office or customers directly. It has a laptop, a smartphone, and a color laser printer.
-WAN: a WAN canbe, for example: Internet, which is the vast network of networks. Internet is nothing more than a huge set of computers deployed worldwide, interconnected among them and exchanging information.
Depending on their privacy:
- Private network: LAN networks are usually private networks.
-Public network: MAN networks are usually public networks.
-Virtual private network: WAN networks are usually virtual private networks.
So, the examples depending on the size, can also be examples depending on the privacy.
resources and exchange information. They can share printers, files, folders and Internet
Networks are classificated in two different ways:
Depending on their size:
- LAN: a good example of LAN is: A company has two offices with two LANs interconnected by a specific configuration that has been set on the routers of each delegation. This connection is routed through the ADSL connection of each delegation.
- MAN: an example of MAN is: A graphic designer, works from home and sends their designs via FTP to her office or customers directly. It has a laptop, a smartphone, and a color laser printer.
-WAN: a WAN canbe, for example: Internet, which is the vast network of networks. Internet is nothing more than a huge set of computers deployed worldwide, interconnected among them and exchanging information.
Depending on their privacy:
- Private network: LAN networks are usually private networks.
-Public network: MAN networks are usually public networks.
-Virtual private network: WAN networks are usually virtual private networks.
So, the examples depending on the size, can also be examples depending on the privacy.
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