

I am Lucía Valderrama and I study in Fray Pedro de Urbina 4 of ESO. This is my blog for the subject Information and Communication Tewcnologies (ICT) This idea is a very good way to interact with other people in this matter and share information to each other. You can ask me all the questions you have about it, it is a way to get to know each other better.  Chat you soon ! 


hi everyone!!!!! i am going to post to you nine tips to make a good presentation, in my opinion there are very usefull, i hope you can use it. 1. APPARIENCE MATTERS 2. THE SHORTER, THE BETTER 3. SIMPLE IS THE BEST 4. LESS LETTER AND MORE IMAGES 5. KEEP THE LOOK 6. KEEP CALM 7. BE PREPARED 8. SPEAKS OUT 9. ILLUSTARATE YOUR IDEAS


Hi everybody! In this post I want to express you my opinion about the power point templates they have designed. There are some created templates to make your work easier. It is a good way to do not get crazy thinking about colours, what image put in the botton and things like that. From my point of view the templeates of this web are very interesting, beautiful and very adecuate for each topic, but, I prefer to do it myself because like this, I can give it my personal details. Anyways, I put here the link for the web:  xataca new 10/2/19 Post you soon!


Hi everyone! I have been doing an activity about vocabulary of the computer, some verbs that are very useful talking about computers. There are some funny images and you will learn and improve your english at the same time of having fun clicking in this link:  computer vocabulary Post you soon!


Hii boys and girls! Do you enjoy christmas? I enjoy it a lot but we have to returt to the rutine... Last day we saw a video and the way they explain how a computer works is very interesting. Here I  lend you a summary about the foolowing video:  inside your computer A computer is more than a keyboard and a monitor, when you write, the CPU is getting a lot of information at the same time it is filtering the irrelevant data. Apart, it has to control too the time, the colors in the screen... There are a lot of programs which control the things that the CPU. All of this programs have been created by a human being, but they are too long and complicated to the computer, so they change the format in binary code. Sometimes, the CPU don´t receive immediately the command so it has to answer the memory. Definitely, the computer has a lot of different programs who are useful and it is really interesting know how they work.


Hi guys! What´s up? I have been watching a video about how a memory of a computer works and it is really awesome watch how many thing are processed in you computer with a binary code based in 0 and 1. I put here the video for you to know more about it and to understand better the document of the questions:  video docuement of the questions about the video:  memory Post you soon!!


Hiiii!!! How are you? Christmas is coming and I am sure you are looking forward to it. However, we still having lessons, so in my last TIC lesson of the year I have done this cute poster. I hope you enjoy your christmas holidays. I will spend this holidays here, in my city, I will eat with all my family. How will you spend your holidays? Merry christmas and happy 2019. Post you soon!


Hey guys!!!!!! What´s up? Today I have been playing a computer game. The rules of the game are simple and easy and I think everyone could play it. 1. You have to listen to the name of the different parts of a computer until you more or less learn their names. 2. You click listenning challenge.                   - In this challenge you must hear to the name of the part and then, press the image you                            think it is. 3. You click speaking challenge:                   - In this challenge, you must have a microphone and with it you must say what is what                          you see in the screen. Here you have the link to play it, I hope you have fun playing it:  vocabulary game Post you soon!!!